El Comité

El Comité de la Fundación de la Cesar Chavez Language Academy

Junto con muchas otras funciones, el comité apoya a nuestro Ballet Folklórico.
Anastasio Tovar
Anastasio Tovar, President

My name is Anastasio. I’m a Bilingual Parent and The President of The Cesar Chavez Language Academy Foundation for the 2023-24 School Year! This is my 9th year at CCLA and my 7th Year Serving on The Board . My  Husband and I have two Sons that are in 4th and 7th grade. I’ve been an active volunteer throughout the years, grabbing volunteer shifts and co-chair positions wherever I can fit them in because I love to be involved and help make school life as fun and smooth as possible for the kids! My biggest position so far was Co-Chair for Our Spring Gala Fundraiser for 3 Years ! I hope to meet you all at one of the many Foundation events or out on the playground.  Please feel free to reach out to me and I would be happy to help you find ways to also get involved, which would help our Foundation and events run smoothly so your child can benefit most!

CCLA es diferente de otras escuelas debido a la gran participación de los padres que tenemos aquí. Siempre podemos usar su ayuda y ninguna ayuda es demasiado pequeña. Ya sea que pueda ayudar desde su casa o en la escuela, su ayuda marcará la diferencia. ¡Envíe un correo electrónico con cualquier gran idea o pregunta ! anastasioCcla@gmail.com

Elizabeth Anguiano, Vice President
Elizabeth Anguiano, Vice President

Hola, me llamo Elizabeth Anguiano. Mis dos hijos asisten actualmente a CCLA y yo hemos ayudado a la Fundación de la Academia César Chávez Languge estableciendo nuestra plataforma de recaudación de fondos con See's Candy. Como miembro, centro mis esfuerzos en el aspecto de recaudación de fondos de nuestra misión de ayudar a nuestros hijos a prosperar. Como padre, elegí que mis hijos asistieran a CCLA porque quería que estuvieran inmersos en nuestra cultura mexicana. A través de CCLA, mi hijo ha estado involucrado en el baile folklórico y se ha dedicado a tocar música en el programa de mariachi organizado por el Luther Burbank Center. Estoy agradecido por la CCLA y todo lo que abarca. Por favor, considere unirse a nuestra fundación para marcar la diferencia en la vida de nuestros hijos. 

Brian Rose, Treasurer

My names is Brian, and I am the Co-Treasurer of the CCLA Foundation.  My husband, Anastastio (our Board President) and I have two boys that are in third and sixth grade.  I enjoy helping our school and foundation to ensure the best enrichment opportunities for our students.

Georgia Pedgrift e hijos

Hi, my name is Georgia Pedgrift and I have two children attending CCLA. I chose to be involved with the Foundation because I really enjoy working with other parents and establishing deeper relationships with our school community. I am very passionate about bilingual education and am so proud to be a member of the CCLA family. We have such amazing children, parents, and staff who are committed to multiculturalism. When I’m not volunteering at CCLA, you can find me watching crime TV or organizing doggy playdates for my high maintenance puppy!

Andrea Rojas Lopez

Hola, mi nombre es Andrea Rojas y soy la madre de un estudiante de 1er grado aquí en CCLA. Soy una madre bilingüe y miembro del personal bilingüe. He sido parte de la fundación durante un par de años porque me gusta estar involucrada tanto como madre y como miembro de la comunidad. Esta escuela ha sido la mejor decisión que he tomado para traer a mi hijo porque me ha ayudado a mantener la cultura con la que crecí y a ayudar a que mi hijo siga siendo bilingüe. Ser bilingüe, bicultural, por elección, me ha abierto muchas puertas y quiero lo mismo para mi hijo. Por favor, sepa que nosotros, como fundación, estamos haciendo lo mejor que podemos para ayudar a recaudar fondos para los nuestros y sus hijos para brindarles más actividades extracurriculares y apoyo adicional en las aulas. En mi tiempo libre me gusta ir de campamento, pescar y relajarme en casa viendo una película con mi familia.

Claudia Flores

Hello, my name is Claudia Flores I am a phlebotomist and I love helping others through my work. I’ve always found great interest and curiosity in the medical field. My parents migrated from Mexico when I was just 9 months old. I am so grateful and always will be for the sacrifices and courageous  choices my parents made to  provide a brighter future for my siblings and I. I am one of six sisters and from a young age I  have learned the power of team work. Even though I was raised in California my parents always encouraged my sisters and I to embrace our Mexican culture and language. I am very appreciative for that and I try to the best of my ability to encourage my own children to do the same. I have two amazing kids. My daughter Melinda is a senior in high school and my son Matteo is a sixth grader at CCLA. They are both very active kids and I like to keep them busy with sports and arts. What makes me happy is golfing with my husband, bike rides with my family and walks with our Dog Nova. I also enjoy arts and crafts. 

Pat Bailey and his family
Pat Bailey and his family

My name is Pat Bailey and I am the parent of a son in 1 st grade. I learned my colors, numbers and animals when my son was in TK on zoom, but unfortunately my Spanish has not progressed nearly as fast as my son’s since then. I joined the foundation hoping to contribute to and become part of the CCLA community. I believe the kids benefit when the parents are involved. When I’m not riding my bike to school, helping kids open milk at lunch or hanging basketball nets, I enjoy traveling with my family and encouraging fruits and vegetables to grow in my yard. I’m very excited about our school being bilingual, bicultural and by choice.

Alicia Ford and son

My name is Alicia Ford and I am excited to be a new board member to the CCLA Foundation.   I am a mother of two boys currently enrolled in 2nd and 6th grade. I absolutely love our community and strongly believe in the value of a bilingual education.  I decided to join to foundation to help enrich the lives of our students through assemblies and cultural enrichment events. 
You will see me volunteering in the library, subbing in classes, coordinating book fairs, and much much more.  
Please don’t hesitate to say hi if you see me on campus.   I love meeting new families and exchanging ideas with parents about ways to support our school.  

Español de México