Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources

Directly supporting you in the classroom

Please fill out the online reimbursement form completely and attach a copy of any receipts using the Choose File button.  Once your form is submitted, it will automatically be emailed to the CCLA Foundation Treasurer’s email address (cclaftreasurer@gmail.com) for processing.  Reimbursement checks will be sent to the address provided, so please ensure that the form details are correct before submitting.  Please allow a 4-week turnaround time for reimbursement.  Please note that we are no longer able to accept hard copy reimbursement requests via the office.

At the beginning of each year (starting July 1), the CCLA Foundation Board allocates a certain budget amount to be used for each classroom.  If you exceed the allocated classroom amount, you will not be reimbursed for any additional cost. If you would like to check on your remaining classroom balance, please email the foundation treasurer at cclaftreasurer@gmail.com.  Reimbursement requests can be made from July 1 through June 1 of the following year (ie, receipts for the 2023-2024 school year must be turned in by 6/1/24); this is to ensure that we have time to process any late requests by our fiscal year end of June 30th.  Submissions after June 1st will not be accepted; any unused funds are absorbed back into the Foundation at the end of the fiscal year.

Field trips reimbursements must have the Principal’s approval first (please email confirmation of this separately to cclaftreasurer@gmail.com). If field trip reimbursements are granted through the Foundation, they will be deducted from your classroom funds.

If you have any further questions regarding payments and reimbursement requests, please don’t hesitate to contact us at cclaftreasurer@gmail.com.

Teacher reimbursement

Please fill out the form completely and attach a copy of any receipts using the Choose File button.

Max. file size: 512 MB.
